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Lincoln University is a public, historically black university located in Jefferson City, Missouri. It was founded in 1866 by African American Civil War veterans and is named after President Abraham Lincoln. The university offers undergraduate and graduate programs in fields such as business, education, nursing, and social sciences. It also has a strong emphasis on agriculture and natural resources, with programs in agriculture, environmental science, and animal science. Lincoln University is known for its commitment to diversity, inclusion, and social justice, and has a rich history of producing leaders in these areas.
In 1854, John Miller Dickey, a Presbyterian minister, and his wife, Sarah Emlen Cresson, a Quaker, founded Ashmun Institute, later named Lincoln University, in Hinsonville, Pennsylvania. They named it after Jehudi Ashmun, a religious leader and social reformer. They founded the school for the education of African Americans, who had few opportunities for higher education.
John Miller Dickey was the first president of the college. He encouraged some of his first students, James Ralston Amos (1826–1864), his brother Thomas Henry Amos (1825–1869), and Armistead Hutchinson Miller (1829/30-1865), to support the establishment of Liberia as a colony for African Americans. Each of the men became an ordained minister.
In 1866, a year after the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, Ashmun Institute was renamed Lincoln University. The college attracted highly talented students from numerous states, especially during the long decades of legal segregation in the American South. As may be seen on the list of notable alumni (link below), many furthered their careers in fields including academia, public service, and the arts. President William Howard Taft gave the commencement address at Lincoln in 1910.
In June 1921, days after the Tulsa race massacre, President Warren Harding visited Lincoln to deliver the commencement address. He spoke about the need to seek healing and harmony in that incident’s aftermath, as well as to honor Lincoln alumni who were among the 367,000 African-American servicemen who fought in World War I. The school newspaper noted Harding’s visit as “the high water mark in the history of the institution.”
In 1945 Horace Mann Bond, an alumnus of Lincoln, became the first African-American president of the university. He served for twelve years.
From 1854 to 1954, Lincoln University graduates accounted for 20% of African American physicians and over 10% of African American lawyers in the United States.
The university marked its hundredth anniversary by amending its charter in 1953 to permit the granting of degrees to women. True coeducation was slow to arrive, however, and women still constituted only 5% of the student body as late as 1964.
In 1972 Lincoln University formally associated with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as a state-related institution.
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